MAY 20, 2020
FlexiSPY vs. Mspy Android Which Is The Best For Spying on Viber?
Since its release Viber has become one of the more popular IM services for communicating with smartphones so it makes sense that spyphone software which advertise IM capture add Viber as one of their supported IM services. This article will compare FlexiSPY and Mspy to see which one not only advertises capturing Viber IM conversations but which one also captures the most data of every Viber IM conversation and is the most accurate.
Both Mspy and FlexiSPY advertise Viber capturing on their website. In total Mspy advertises capturing for five IM services, including Viber whilst FlexiSPY give you capturing for 12 IM services. When you compare how many IM services are captured specifically for Android from Mspy and FlexiSPY it is clear to see that FlexiSPY also has the advantage over Mspy capturing over three times as many more IM services on Android than Mspy.
But capturing the most IM services is not the point of this article. Quality of the IM services captured is actually more important than the number of IM services supported and quality is measure by how well the spyphone software captures the IM conversation in terms of data – including shared rich media as well as how the captured IM data is presented in the online account for ease of viewing and understanding.
Mspy only really captures the text of every Viber conversation
When we tested how well Viber was captured by Mspy it turned out that only the text of the conversation was really captured. When it came to how well Mspy presented the captured Viber IM text inside the online dashboard we found that it was hard to understand because it was not presented in a format similar to what you would expect to see on the TARGET phone.
This means that many people may have trouble understanding the flow of the conversation and instead will have to resort to trying to search for specific terms to find the answers that they are looking for.
When you combine this with the fact that Mspy also do not capture rich media shared during a Viber conversation (rich media being images, video, audio files and such) there is actually a lot you may be missing from a Viber conversation if you choose to trust Mspy.
FlexiSPY gives you both the text and rich media of a Viber IM conversation
Unlike Mspy FlexiSPY captures both the text and rich media from every Viber IM conversation. Because rich media is just as important as text in an IM conversation you need never misunderstand or misinterpret a Viber IM conversation again as long as you are using FlexiSPY.
Not only that but FlexiSPY captures the Viber IM conversation in as close a format as you can get from the original TARGET phone. This not only makes the captured Viber IM chat easy to follow but it saves time needing to manually search for specific information which other spyphone software makes you do.
FlexiSPY also allows you to save all shared rich media that takes place in a Viber IM conversation to your computer for later use as well as offering the most powerful spyphone data search tool inside the online account (so you can search for data by IM service, direction, keyword and such) allowing you to really get to the heart of every captured Viber IM conversation quickly and easily.
FlexiSPY provides the best coverage for spying on Viber
The evidence here speaks for itself.
Mspy only really offers the text of a Viber IM conversation and that may be enough for some but FlexiSPY gives you the complete Viber IM experience. Not only do you get the captured IM text with FlexiSPY but great emphasis has been put on capturing the rich media as well which is something all other spy phone software companies need to beat and this includes Mspy.
As more and more IM services come to market and get more and more complex the need to capture more than just the text becomes greater and that is why FlexiSPY not only provides the best IM capturing for Viber but also for all the other IM services it supports as well.
To see why FlexiSPY offers the best features and compatibility for IM capturing take a look at the table below which shows which IM services are captured by FlexiSPY on which platforms versus that captured by competitors.